Use the Right Beans & Maize Seed Variety for Better Yields


 Maize and Beans are the two most common crops in the country, in this issue we feature some of the Maize and Beans Variety suitable for the short rain season. The key to realizing better yields starts with the selection of the right seed for your region as the quality of seeds determines the quality and quantity of harvest.

Identifying The Right Seed

The Kenya Plant Health inspectorate service,(KEPHIS) the Government unit mandated with ensuring that farmers are using certified seeds has put in place measures to ensure that farmers are not buying substandard seeds. Before buying seeds one is advised to scratch the strip that is clearly marked to reveal the code. Send the code to 1393 and await a confirmation SMS that will share information on the type of crop, company promoting the seed, date when the seed was tested and other relevant information.

Characteristic Of Good Seeds

 • Uniform variety

• Viable (ability to germinate)

 • Free from seed-borne diseases and pest damage

• Free from inert/foreign materials

• Not shriveled, mouldy or cracked

• Not rotten or discolored.

 Maize Varieties for Mid Altitudes

Western Seed Company

 WH -505

Characteristics: wet and dry mid altitude areas, matures 4-5 months,


 Characteristics: Can yield 35 acres per acre under good agronomy practices, matures in 4 months.


Characteristics: Can yield 30-35bags per acre, does not lodge (Fall due to wind and weigh, maturity is 4 months, good for green Maize

East African Seed Company


Characteristics: Matures in 100 days  Double cobber, excellent for milling and green maize, good protection against ear rots, Resistant/tolerant to Maize Streak Virus and head smut

Maize Tosheka

Characteristics: Mature in 90 days, drooping of cobs to prevent ear rots, good for milling and green maize, moderate tolerance to heat and drought.

Maize Varieties for lowland, ASAL Regions

Kenya Seed Company

DH 01

Characteristics: Average yields of 16 bags per acre. Matures in 70-90 days. Long stay Green trait, drought tolerant, good level of tolerant to leaf blight, common rust and ear rot

 DH 02

Characteristics: Yields of 18 bags per acre. Matures earlier than DH 04, in 70-100 days. Tolerant to Maize streak virus. Tolerant to water stress. Has a long stay green trait.

DH 03

Matures in 80-120 days, tolerant to blight and MSV. Good husk cover, as better stand ability. Good moisture stress tolerance.

DH 04

Matures in 80-120 days, Short, drought tolerant, good husk cover and standability.

Western Seed Company


Characteristics, matures 90-110 days, excellent for roasting, tolerant to Maize Streak Virus and Grey leaf sport.

   Ideal Conditions To Achieve A Good Maize Harvest

Maize is especially sensitive to moisture stress around the time of tasselling and cob formation. It also needs optimum moisture conditions at the time of planting. In the tropics it does best with 600 – 900mm of rain during the growing season. Maize can be grown in many soils but does best well in well aerated soils with a PH of  5-8 .its advisable for farmer to regularly undertake soil testing to determine any deficiency that may affect crop yield.Some of the companies that offer soil testing services include Cropnuts, Kalro and KEPHIS

        Bean Varieties

Dry beans are the most important legume, and the 2nd most important food crop after maize in Kenya. Beans provide a highly nutritious food, containing protein, fiber, complex carbohydrates, vitamins, and micronutrients. To get good yields farmers have to grow varieties that are suitable for their areas and adopt good farming practices.

Bean Variety For Dry Lands.

Kalro Katumani

    Nyota Bean

Characteristics: Flowers in 30-40days, matures in 60-70days, high zinc grain Content, fast cooking, as light pink flowers Drought suitable for arid and semi arid lands

 Katumani Bean 1(KAT-B1)-Kathika

 Characteristics: Pink flowers , flowers within 30-31 days ,matures in 60-65 days ,yields 1400-1900 kg/ha or 7-9 bags/acre ,sweet grain taste and less flatulence ,highly tolerant to heat and grows well under tree/ banana shades.

 Katumani Bean 9(KAT B9)-Gacuma

           Characteristics: has light pink flowers, flowers in 30-40 days, has a uniform flowering period. ,matures within 60-65 days ,grain brilliant red and gives an Irish brown color when cooked with maize, Yields 1400-1900kg/ha or 7-9 bags/acre

  Katumani X-56 (KAT X-56)


 Has light pink flowers ,flowers in 30-35 days,matures within 60-65 days, grains are dark red, long and oblong, yields 1400-2000kg/ha or 7-10 bags/acre, mature pods ready for harvest are not damaged by heavy rains. • Cooks fast and tastes sweet.

 Katumani X-69 (KAT X-69

        Characteristics: Has white flowers, flowers in 30-35 days, matures within 60-65 days, grains long, oblong and rose coco type in color but with dark red background, potential yields range between 1400-2000kg/ha or 7-10 bags/acre, Is susceptible to lodging due to heavy bearing and tall plants, resistant to rust (Uromyces sp.) common bean mosaic virus (CBMV) Tolerant to angular leaf spot and charcoal rot

Kenya Seed Company

Wairimu Dwarf

  Characteristics: Performs well in most ecological zones but suited to medium to dry areas, has excellent eating quality, good for intercropping, matures within 70days.

GLP 1004 Mwezi Moja

Characteristics: Matures within 80-90 days, large beige or light brown speckled purple with long broad pods Medium yielder and performs best in warmer areas 

For Farmers in medium altitude varieties .the following are some of the Bean Varieties that are recommended.

Kenya Seed Company


Characteristics: Cream seeds with black-brown spot, has a spreading growth habit with nearly flat pods which contain oval seeds. Tolerant to drought and halo bright.

East African Seed Company


Characteristics: Has light pink flowers, flowers within 40-42days, matures 80-84days, tolerant to blight. Bean common mosaic virus and Angular leaf spot


Characteristics: Flowers within 45-46days, Matures in 84-85days, seeds are large and kidneyshaped,have a white/greenish pericarp. Which changes to red mottled with age.

Western Seed Company


Characteristics: has deep pink color skin is flecked with beige and brown.Tolerant to root rot disease.

This list is not an all-inclusive list. For more information, visit and inquire from seed companies and research institutions like  kalro( website of seed companies;