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Feeding dairy cows well for high milk yields

Feeding your animals well increases your income. Dairy cows require a balanced diet for milk production, body maintenance and good health. The animals should have adequate water at all times so the animal can take as much as it needs. You can listen or download the audio version of this article here : No dairy cow, […]

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How to make good compost

Compost is organic matter made of mainly plant materials that have decayed. Compost manure supplies soil with both macro and micronutrients. Inorganic fertilisers often provide a few nutrients per product. Therefore, for more sustainable production, compost works well.While plant materials and other organic waste can decompose naturally and get incorporated into the soil, composting hastens

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Neem Oil can be used to contol locusts

he main active chemical in neem oil called ‘azadirachtin’, (with it’s highest concentration in seeds) is very effective in increasing mortality, by disturbing metamorphosis, and in reducing general activity of locusts and grasshoppers. But neem oil can also be applied as a repellent. When neem oil is applied to crops and grassland, locusts will not

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Opportunities for avocado farmers

Avocado fruits from Kenya have continued to dominate the international market due to their high quality,” he avers. To export avocado to the international market, farmers must be certified by government bodies including Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service and Exports Promotion Council.For smallholders, the best place to start is by vetting the export company to

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