Molo Farmer discovers Mazao Flourish;eagerly beckons Farmers to try it out.

My name is Rahab Njeri, a farmer based in Molo. I grow crops such as vegetables, potatoes, green peas and maize. In the past, I would use three bags of synthetic fertilizers per acre during planting and two bags per acre for top dressing, which is very costly.

High cost of farm inputs is a major challenge I have grappled with over the years. Other challenges include harsh climate conditions, shortage of certified seeds and soil degradation caused by over-reliance on chemical fertilizers and pesticides.With the prevailing challenges and circumstances, I would harvest 50-60 bags of potatoes from the one acre utilized in growing potatoes.

I came to learn about Real IPM’s product, Mazao Flourish from a training they had organized in Molo. Mazao Flourish was positioned as a bio-fertilizer, which captured my interest as I had decided to go all organic in my farming ventures going forward, and Real IPM provided just that.

During the training, the Real IPM representative stressed on the benefits of this bio-fertilizer and its application. I decided to buy 1 litre of Mazao Flourish, try it out in the next planting season and see the results for myself. The first instance I used Mazao Flourish was as a drench to my 2 weeks old crops. We also administered Mazao Flourish two more times as a drench at an application rate of 50ml per 20 litres of water, and a final time during flowering. The potatoes were doing so well, that there was no need for top dressing.

The crops grew with so much vigour compared to my neighbour’s crops which were planted on the same day. It even got to a point where my neighbour came up to me to enquire on what I had used on my farm. Mazao Flourish has done wonders in my farm like never seen before.

Real IPM has been very supportive in my crop protection journey. The Real IPM representative educated me on (IPM) Integrated Pest Management during one of his visits to my farm. He offered a biological solution against Early blight and Fusarium wilt with Mazao Regain and Mazao Sustain respectively.Moving on swiftly to the harvesting season, and we are set for harvesting. Since I transport my produce to Nairobi, I sought some help in harvesting. Now here is where the shocker is, 80% of the potatoes were grade A.

As I had previously stated, I harvest approximately 50-60 bags per acre in the previous seasons, but this time we harvested 80 bags of potatoes, from the same parcel of land. 

I started using it as a bio primer to various crops and crop emergence was notably remarkable as the germination rate was almost 100%. As a farmer, I’m routinely used to replanting where the seeds did not germinate. But Mazao Flourish has proven that this is a problem that can be solved.

After these impeccable results, I have never gone back to my previous farming practices. I have adopted Mazao Flourish biofertilizer in all my crops and my life has never been the same. I advise all farmers to use Mazao Flourish in all their crops and they will never look back.

I have walked with Real IPM now for the last 5 years and it has been an exhilarating and healthy journey for me, my clients and my family. Biological farming is the way to go. Over-reliance on chemical fertilizers and pesticides aches our soil, leading to the speedy soil degradation that I and other farmers have experienced, which adversely affects us in one way or the other. Let’s protect our food source globally.

Reach out to Real IPM on 0725 806 086.

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