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Forage grasses to grow for your dairy cattle

”The first step of establishing fodder on the farm is land preparation. Cultivating forage crops on the farm is a cost-effective approach for feeding dairy cattle” By David Njenga CULTIVATING  FORAGE  CROPS  on the farm is a cost-effective approach for feeding dairy cattle as feeding cost constitutes about 70-80% of the cost of production. There

Forage grasses to grow for your dairy cattle Read More »

Cassava: A Beacon of Hope That Can Turn Catastrophic

“Cassava is one of the resilient staple crops that plays a vital role in ensuring food security and nutrition, while at the same time providing by-products for animal feed and bioenergy” By Elias Biwott AS CHALLENGES OF harsh climatic conditions characterized by erratic rainfall increase, farmers are gradually embracing farming of resilient and sustainable crops.

Cassava: A Beacon of Hope That Can Turn Catastrophic Read More »

Preserve Your Vegetables by Blanching

By Pamela Otieno VEGETABLE PRESERVATION BLANCHING IS A process of scalding vegetables in boiling water or steam from boiling water for a short time, after which they are immersed in cold water to stop further cooking. Blanching inactivates enzymes which cause loss of flavour, colour and texture. To cool them off, rinse under cold running

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Farmer Supplements Poultry Feed And Earns Some Income From Azolla Farming

By Miriam Makato POULTRY FARMING HAS gained popularity in Kenya due to the ease in management and fast returns, as compared to other livestock enterprises such as dairy cattle keeping. However, this sector has faced a major challenge-an increase in feed prices, which has caused small scale farmers to reduce the number of birds kept

Farmer Supplements Poultry Feed And Earns Some Income From Azolla Farming Read More »

Nurturing Nature’s Gold: Jackson Chalo’s Journey in Malkia Pawpaw Farming

By Keziah Otieno In the sun-scorched area of Machakos County’s Mbuuni, where the earth often seems reluctant to yield, Jackson Chalo has orchestrated a remarkable agricultural journey. His journey into pawpaw farming, particularly with the resilient Malkia variety, is not just a tale of cultivation but a testament to perseverance, innovation, and a deep-rooted commitment

Nurturing Nature’s Gold: Jackson Chalo’s Journey in Malkia Pawpaw Farming Read More »

Top Fodder Legumes for Boosting Dairy Cattle Productivity

By David Njenga Fodder legumes play an important role in the smallholder farmers’ dairy farming system as they improve soil fertility through Nitrogen fixation and have high Crude Protein (CP) in leaves and foliage and they can replace commercial supplements. Crude Protein range for legumes is 15-35%, compared to grasses whose CP ranges between 5

Top Fodder Legumes for Boosting Dairy Cattle Productivity Read More »


There are various agricultural residues that are produced in both small- and large-scale farms. In Kenya, most of the farm left overs includes; rice straw, rice husks, maize copes (corn stover) and wheat straws. The residues in many farms are used as fodder for animals, landfill or others will end up being burnt during land