animal health

What you need to know about Pneumonia in sheep and goats

Pneumonia is an inflammation that affects lungs and surrounding tissues and is one of the common conditions that affects sheep and goats. It is commonly caused by infectious agents, that is bacteria and virus. Common viruses that cause pneumonia include Parainfluenza virus type 3, and Adenovirus while common bacteria that cause pneumonia include Pasteurella, mycoplasma,

What you need to know about Pneumonia in sheep and goats Read More »

Plants and animal diseases to watch out for during the rainy season.

Charles Kimani  The onset of rains marks the beginning of a busy calendar for farmers and this year is no exception despite the poor rainfall distribution. For Maximum yields, farmers should remain vigilant and practice good agronomy practices for both plant and animals. In this issue of TOF, we feature some of the common challenges

Plants and animal diseases to watch out for during the rainy season. Read More »

Dairy goat rearing for health and wealth

Goats and sheep were the earliest domesticated animals in human history. Goat milk not only fetches a higher price than cow milk, it is also more nutritious. Dairy goat keeping is lucrative for farmers moving away from traditional dairy cow rearing. Currently, Kenya’s dairy sub-sector contributes about eight per cent of the Gross Domestic Product

Dairy goat rearing for health and wealth Read More »

Laikipia farmers reaping from locusts through value addition projects

By Agnes Aineah Charles Oino, a resident of Rumuruti in Laikipia County watched helplessly as swarms of locusts landed on trees in his compound some time last year. There had been news allover of the destructive insects that had invaded farms in various parts of the country, leaving farmers with massive losses. Mr. Oino knew

Laikipia farmers reaping from locusts through value addition projects Read More »

Dos and Don’ts of cow transition management before and after calving

By Nelson Barasa I got a call from Mrs. Zikame, a dairy farmer in western region with a herd of 30 cows, to treat her high milk producing cow that had recently come down due to a suspected case of milk fever and Ketosis. The farmer reported to have given it various concoctions to reestablish

Dos and Don’ts of cow transition management before and after calving Read More »

Kitale farmer establishes a thriving poultry business spurred by Covid19 pandemic.By Karanja Daniel

The occurrence of Covid19 has presented both challenges and opportunities for businesses. Some people have made positive changes and successfully tried out new ventures while others have had their long-standing ventures shaken. When the pandemic hit the country exactly a year ago, lives were disrupted as children had to stay home following closure of schools,

Kitale farmer establishes a thriving poultry business spurred by Covid19 pandemic.By Karanja Daniel Read More »